We thought we would pop out for a quick bite to eat and come back for an early night, as we'd promised ourselves the night before. All tucked in bed at 3am, so didn't quite achieve our goal. There seems to be a pattern emerging here.
We're just having breakfast in the 'ballroom' of our 'cruise ship', consisting of watered down orange juice and very dodgy looking frankfurters of varying sizes. The plan today is to do a short drive to Prague in the Czech Republic, and arrive at around lunchtime to give us a chance to enjoy the city sights in the afternoon.
Both cars still running well, and all having a great time - seems like we've been away for ages.
Money raised to date has nearly topped £9,000 - it would be great to rally round and see if we can get to our target of £10,000 by the time we get back - what do you reckon? Keep the comments coming, we love reading them out to each other in the cars.
you are real showboaters. Why waste the money on the hotels, get to where your going, go out on the town, eat breakfast and .......drive on ! What is wrong with that ?
Why is it that in all the photo's most of you chaps seem to to be wearing different clothes, appart from Rich who appears to be wearing the same clothes he left in. I hope his changed his pants a bit more often than his T-shirt and shorts combo. Remember, it's a jungle out there. Keep on Trucking !!
Glad to see the cars are holding up! Thinking of the practicalities I am wondering what the facilities have been like? I like to know these things...
Hate to say it, chaps, but, judging by the photo, you should occasionally count to see how many of you are left. Did you leave Quent, Ed and Tim in the Chevy?
Sounds like you are having as much luck with cars as we did with the GMC Jimmy many years ago.
Keep going people
Andy Martin
That Jimmy was a classic, 12 people dropped off home after a night at the long island, what a taxi !
Hey... just had a thought about the chevy... can't you leave it where it is and use it as a holiday home? must have as good facilities as some of the places you guys have stayed through the years! Glad to hear you are having fun... love to you all, Gill, Renny, Euan & Alasdair
Gav from Lonza (IT) here - Richard will know me! Wish you all the best with your venture - didn't realise Richard was into such risk taking - you're always so carefull on our Softmax Pro systems ;) Hope the beemer makes it - last beemer I owned would have had trouble making across a 'county' let alone a 'country'! Have fun and remember, it's not over 'till it's "Rover"! Urgh, bad joke!
loved the place and i will go back there man and van
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