Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Stick with us

What's happening? Well - we all got a some bargain stereo equipment from Rich's brother at Kenwood, so we're busy over the next week or two fitting speakers and amps to the cars. Well we have to get our priorities right don't we?

Quent's bought a new head unit and four speakers - despite not having a vehicle on the road just yet. Well, we all know he's a failry optimistic chap.

Just to say apologies for the lack of postings on the blog. The truth is, we have nothing much to blog about at the moment. Please stick with us - as the departure date approaches we'll have much more to impart, hopefully with routes, updates on the cars etc.

Some would say that we're disorganised, but I'd say we're keeping everything loose for the moment. No doubt we'll be frantic in a week or two. Watch this space.

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