Yikes - we've gone public. What started out as a bit of drunken chit chat in the pub is starting to take shape. And it needs to by the looks of things. The sponsorship we have received almost seems to have taken the form of betting- will we or won't we make it - and now we have something to prove. Thanks so much for donations so far.
So where are we now? Well the Jag is back on the road, with completely overhauled rear brakes, and we are just starting to enjoy driving around in the luxury of yesteryear - although I accidentally spun the back end out the other day, so we'll have to watch that. Still a few rattles and vibrations to sort out, but all in all it feels fairly solid. The major concern at the moment is the average of 13 MPG - over 2,500 miles that's going to work out at...er...a lot.
The BMW is going strong, and Rich seems to have fixed his headlamps with a bit of nifty wiring, some blu tack and part of a coat hanger. I think there'll be a lot of that when we start the trip. He's fixed the noise coming from the electric window. It doesn't buzz any more - but it doesn't work any more either.
The Chevy van? In a field somewhere near Reading we think.
Over the coming weeks, apart from tinkering with the transport, we need to start getting our route planned and start thinking about accommodation, supplies etc. (don't worry, none of this comes out of the sponsorship money). It's time to knuckle down and get a plan together - watch this space.
I'm a big fan of off the wall ideas cooked up in the pub after a few jars, and this sounds like a quality plan! I do hope you're bringing a camcorder or three to catch all the highs, lows, windups and "where the hell are we?" moments. ;-)
Good luck to you all and may the best car win.. or at least get back home in one piece with all its drivers!
(One of Quent's many nephews)
The BMW - Frank - flew through his MOT today and was treated to a nice wash when he got home.
He rewarded me with the request for another £80 to stick in his tank... I think he may have a drink problem ;-)
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